Hong Kong Quality Veggie Awards (HKQVA), hosted jointly by Vegetarian Food Asia and Taste of Veg, is Hong Kong’s most revered awards for the vegetarian industry. Its “Public’s Choice Award” let citizens to vote for the best vegetarian and vegan food products, as well as green lifestyle products.
由亞洲素食展 (VFA) 與Taste of Veg 聯合舉辦的香港優質素食大獎 (HKQVA),是香港素食及綠色生活業界年度盛事。除專業評審大獎外,亦安排了「公眾投選獎 」,旨在讓公眾投票選出他們心目中最佳的素食和純素食品、以及綠色生活產品。
今年,香港優質素食大獎之「公眾投選獎」除了「最具人氣之素產品」之獎項,還添了新類別 — 「我最喜愛之素mate」。這個全新獎項不單只為公眾提供一個提名機會, 並可以投票選出他們心中最喜愛的本地素食和純素餐廳、咖啡店、網上和實體商店。 此公眾投選活動不僅展示了香港充滿活力和能量的素食圈子,更為素食愛好者和廣大消費者提供本地最優質的素產品商店及餐廳指南。
Hong Kong Quality Veggie Awards 2023Public's Choice AwardHong Kong Quality Veggie Awards (HKQVA), hosted jointly by Vegetarian Food Asia and Taste of Veg, is Hong Kong’s most revered awards for the vegetarian industry. Its “Public’s Choice Award” let citizens to vote for the best vegetarian and vegan food products, as well as green lifestyle products.
This year, HKQVA proudly presents the newest additions to the “Public’s Choice Award – My Favorite Veg Mates”. This new category provides the public an excellent opportunity to nominate and vote for the favorite local vegetarian & vegan eateries, cafes, online & physical shops in their hearts, which not only demonstrates the energetic and vibrant veggie community in Hong Kong, but also helps introduce high quality veggie outlets to both vegetarian enthusiasts and general consumers.
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