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SME Export Marketing Fund


“Vegetarian Food Asia 2024” is an eligible activity for funding support under Government Trade and Industry Department – SME Export Marketing Fund with 50% or max $100K support per time.


EMF Funding Details: SME Export Marketing Fund – Exhibitions (

EMF Reminder.png


  1. It must be a non-listed enterprise registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310).

  2. It must have substantive business operations in Hong Kong at the time of making the application.  An enterprise holding a shell business registration or having its main business operation outside Hong Kong will not be regarded as having substantive business operations in Hong Kong.

  3. If it has previously received funding support under EMF, the cumulative amount of funding received must not exceed the prevailing cumulative funding ceiling.  Applicant enterprises which have similar business registration details (e.g. nature of business, address, contact numbers, shareholder/directorship) will be treated as connected enterprises.  For the purpose of calculating the cumulative funding ceiling, connected enterprises are treated as if they are one enterprise, i.e. the cumulative amount of funding received by the connected enterprises concerned are aggregated and must not exceed the cumulative funding ceiling.

  4. It must not be the organiser/co-organiser/service provider or a related company of the organiser/co-organiser/service provider of the promotion activity and the related services covered by the application.

Details: EMF Eligibility


Funding Ceiling

  1. Each application should cover expenditure related to one promotion activity.  The maximum amount of funding support for each successful application is 50% of the total approved expenditure incurred by the applicant enterprise or HK$100,000, whichever is the less.

  2. The amount of funding support for video/product shooting and editing services for each application will be no more than the total amount of government funding approved for all other eligible expenditure items under the same application, i.e. capped at 50% of the total approved government funding per application.

  3. There is no limit on the number of applications by an enterprise for funding support under EMF.  Each enterprise may receive funding support under EMF up to a cumulative limit of HK$1,000,000.


Expenditure Items Eligible for EMF

  1. Rental fee for exhibition booth charged by organiser/co-organiser for exhibitions, or rental fee charged by organiser/co-organiser for other forms of participation for exhibits to be displayed at a fixed location throughout the whole period of the activity concerned, including showcase, table-top display and mannequin/garment rack (viz. “other forms of participation”). The applicant enterprise must be listed as an exhibitor on the exhibitors’ list with its full company name and Hong Kong contact information.

  2. Construction, set-up and design fee of booth, transportation expenses for the components of booth and exhibits (but excluding goods intended for sales purpose), and rental charges for booth furniture for exhibitions.  Expenses for purchasing reusable items and the operation costs of booth (such as salaries of employees) will not be funded.

  3. Participation fee charged by organiser/co-organiser for taking up a speaking session at an exhibition by booth exhibitors at the activity concerned.

  4. Fee for placing advertisement in the catalogue of an exhibition and fee for printing of brochures/leaflets (excluding souvenirs) bearing the full company name of the applicant enterprise and the activity concerned; those brochures/leaflets must be solely for use in that activity.

  5. Fee charged by organiser/co-organiser for exhibitors of an exhibition to place on-site advertisements, including hanging banner, poster, promotional sticker and display on electronic panel at a fixed location inside the contracted exhibition venue throughout the whole period of the activity concerned.  The on-site advertisement must show the full company name and Hong Kong contact information of the applicant enterprise.

  6. Fee charged by the organiser/co-organiser for advertising through the use of mascot inside a specific area of the contracted exhibition venue of an exhibition during specific timeslot(s) of the exhibition period as assigned by the organiser.  The mascot should solely be engaged for the purpose of promoting the products and/or services of the applicant enterprise at the activity, and must show the full company name and Hong Kong contact information of the applicant enterprise.  The design of the mascot must be registered by the applicant enterprise, or authorised to be used by the applicant enterprise.

  7. Fee charged for video/product shooting and editing services associated with the promotion of the product and/or services of the applicant enterprises at the eligible promotion activity it participated in.  The video/product should bear the full company name of the applicant enterprise and information on the activity where appropriate.  The service provider should be the organiser or the authorised agent of the organiser of the activity or a photography/videography company with good track record.  Standalone video/product shooting and editing services not related to the eligible promotion activity will not be considered.

Details: Expenditure Items


Supporting Documents

  1. A duly completed application form.

  2. A copy of a valid Business Registration Certificate of the applicant enterprise.

  3. Certified Extract/Electronic Extract of Information on the Business Register, i.e. Form 1(a) or Form 1(c) of the Business Registration Office, issued within the past 2 years; or full copy of the most recent Annual Return (i.e. Form NAR1) or Incorporation Form (i.e. NNC1) of the Companies Registry.

  4. A copy of a valid Hong Kong Identity Card or Passport of the person signing the application form for and on behalf of the applicant enterprise.

  5. Original receipts/certified true copy of each receipt in relation to payments made by the applicant enterprise for declared expenditure items, plus a copy each of the relevant invoices/quotations/contracts (showing detailed contact information of the issuing organisation).  The name of the payer shown on the receipt(s)/documents must be the same as the name of the applicant enterprise.

Details: Supporting Documents




For enquiry on EMF, please contact “SME Export Marketing Fund Branch” of TID:

Tel             : 2398 5127

Email        :

Website    :

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