8.3.2024 (Fri)
8.3.2024 (Fri)
11:30 - 12:00
Main Stage
Opening Ceremony
8.3.2024 (Fri)
13:30 - 14:00
Main Stage
[Trade Forum 1]
Unleash the potential of Green Eating
Thinking of eating green and sustainable, or just be interested in trying it out? For the good of health and environment, sustainable diet is a rising trend and lifestyle. A shift from meat-appetite to sustainable-eating becomes a significant market trend in Hong Kong. In this session, we will share some current figures on sustainable diet and invite Meat the Next to share its experience on the way to tap into this market.

Ms. Sindy Wong
Head, Tourism and Hospitality, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China

Mr. Edmund Chan
Co-founder & COO, Meat the Next
8.3.2024 (Fri)
14:10 - 14:30
Main Stage
[Trade Forum 2]
Food Waste Challenge
In Hong Kong, approximately 10,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste are disposed of in landfills each day, with about 3,000 tonnes (30%) of that being kitchen waste, making it the largest category of waste in landfill. However, the current practice of disposing kitchen waste in landfills is not in line with the principles of sustainable development and has adverse impacts on the environment. So, how can the business sector and the general public collaborate in an environmentally friendly manner to manage and recycle kitchen waste?

Mr Kenneth Chong
Managing Director, TrustWorthy
8.3.2024 (Fri)
14:45 - 15:45
Main Stage
[Trade Forum 3]
Empowering Retailers and Food Services : Technology for Customer-Led Growth
Session 1:
1. Understanding Green & Veggie Customers
2. Any special buying behavior or consumption pattern of veggie and green customers ?
3. What are the important factors that influence their ordering / buying decision and what's the different from normal customers ?
Session 2:
1. How Technology helps to stay competitive
2. How technology helps to improve customers in-store and online experience that better suits their lifestyles.
3. How technology helps restaurant / retailer to reach new markets (eg. Veggie customers/ Eco-conscious consumers )

Ms. Erica Cheng
Marketing Manager, AQUA Green Limited

Mr. Vincent SO
Chairman, Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association

Mr. Arist Wong
Founding Chairman, Hong Kong Smart Catering Association
9.3.2024 (Sat)
9.3.2024 (Sat)
12:00 - 12:30
Main Stage

Mr. Tim Lo
自然療法醫師 (國際自然療法學院)
9.3.2024 (Sat)
13:00 - 13:30
Main Stage
傳統美食驚喜「 素」 現

「正在生活-善膳工坊Kind and Green Food Lab素食工場」負責人
廣悅國際有限公司/「善膳坊」與「Joys Cafe悅素」合作夥伴
9.3.2024 (Sat)
14:30 - 15:00
Main Stage
MARS 戰神 x Vegan fitness 呈獻【素食與運動表現】
Mr. Joe Ching
Vegan fitness, 素食青年創辦人
9.3.2024 (Sat)
15:15 - 15:45
Main Stage
Revolutionize Your Health: Omega 369 Oil – The Ultimate Wellness Breakthrough!
Fatty acids are very important for human health, but unfortunately, most people do not pay enough attention to this aspect of health. Excessive consumption of Omega 6 is a worldwide problem. Humans need Omega 3, but fish oil Omega 3 contains heavy metals and toxic pollution, the risk is high and it contains additives that are harmful to human health, and not suitable for vegetarians. The ratio of fatty acids ingested cannot be ignored. The two globally recommended fatty acid ratios are Omega 3 vs 6, 1:4, and MUFA vs PUFA, 1:1.
As the inventor and expert of the Omega 369 formula, Merlyn Health has developed the first known non-additive, organic, vegetarian Omega 369 oil that complies with the above two globally recommended fatty acid ratios. It also conforms to the health theory of traditional Chinese medicine and food. It is the ultimate healthy oil breakthrough!

Mr. Tony Chu
Director, Merlyn Healthcare Ltd
Multi Countries Omega 369 Formula Inventor
9.3.2024 (Sat)
16:00 - 16:30
Main Stage
Meet Sungift Plant-Based products
Sungift, more than just a gift!
SUNGIFT aims to connect ingredients, manufacturing and consumers.
Organic, high-quality ingredients; supports organic and local produce.
Develop innovative processes that are environmentally friendly, low-pollution,
and carbon dioxide emissions. Game Changer Changing eating habits,
changing consumer lifestyles, and increasing nutritional intake of grains and plant-based products.